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P410 - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
P410 - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH

P410 – Mirror Unit SISSY_hard EMIL BESSY


Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation

Year of delivery


Installation site

EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany

This hard X-ray split mirror unit is part of the combined hard and soft X-ray EMIL beamlines at BESSY. It features an optimized design of the constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism used for the first Bestec hexapod  (see project P377). The mirror splitting is realized by a vertical movement. The vacuum chamber accomodates not only the actual beam but also the passing soft X-ray beam of the neighbouring branch.

Design Features

  • Constant-strut-length hexapod mechanism.

  • Six degrees of freedom and selectable rotation center.
  • Spectral range: 2 – 10 keV.
  • Optical elements: two focusing mirrors.
  • Electrode at mirrors surfaces for carbon contamination prevention.
  • Provisions for RF oxygen plasma cleaning of the optical surfaces.

  • Provisions for measuring the photocurrent at each mirror.
  • Four manual OFHC aperture blades at the entrance flange.
  • Beam diagnostic unit at the exit flange.
  • Permanently installed bakeout provisions.
  • Adjustable support structure.

Performance Features

  • High positioning resolution (minimum incremental motion).
  • High stability and repeatability for all degrees of freedom.
  • Minimized mounting induced deformations.

Outer Dimensions

P410 - Outer dimensions - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL soft X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH

Technical specifications and performance values


Vacuum chamber

Chamber type

cylindrical, vertical axis

Main flanges

at the top


1.4404 (C < 0.02%)

Base pressure

10-10 mbar range

Optical design parameters

Beam height

1420 mm

Number of mirrors


Surface shape


Mirrors dimensions

750 x 100(60) x 80(40) mm3

Actuator drives for hexapod axes

Resolution (design value)

0.004 µm /motor fine step
(1/128, recommended)
0.005 µm /encoder count

Mirror mechanics

Pitch rotation


-10 mrad to +18 mrad

Resolution (measured value)

0.05 µrad


0.20 µrad (pitch)

0.10 µrad (roll)

Long-term stability (1h)

0.06 µrad

Roll rotation


± 10 mrad


0.05 µrad


0.07 µrad (pitch)

0.08 µrad (roll)

Long-term stability (1h)

0.05 µrad

Yaw rotation


± 8 mrad


0.05 µrad

Long-term stability (1h)

0.05 µrad

Vertical translation (switch)


± 45 mm

Horizontal translation (switch)


± 5 mm

Aperture unit

Blades (manual)




25 mm, 50 mm

Spindle pitch

1 mm

Performance Test Results

Pitch deviation after pitch change
P410 - Pitch deviation after pitch change - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Roll deviation after pitch change
P410 - Roll deviation after pitch change - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Pitch deviation after roll change
P410 - Pitch deviation after roll change - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Roll deviation after roll change
P410 - Roll deviation after roll change - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Mirror pitch positioning resolution
P410 - Mirror pitch positioning - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Mirror pitch long-term stability
P410 - Mirror pitch stability - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Mirror roll long-term stability
P410 - Mirror roll stability - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH
Mirror yaw long-term stability
P410 - Mirror yaw stability - Mirror unit (M4) for soft X-ray synchrotron radiation at EMIL hard X-ray beamline at BESSY, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany - Bestec GmbH